Register below for Menorah Car Parade & Chanukah Party
Chanukah isn't the same without a party with friends. Join us for a beautiful Menorah Parade as we drive through the streets of Tigard and spread some Jewish pride, and enjoy a Chanukah party after.
4:30 PM - Meet up at the Rite-Aid parking lot of Main St, Tigard - 12080 SW Main St, Tigard, 97223, and get a specially built car-top Menorah for the Parade. We'll take care of the setup and make sure you are all ready to roll.
- Parade begins. Click here for route. Enjoy a special live broadcast of Chanukah music as you drive. The procession will ride through Tigard and end at the new Tigard Chabad Jewish Center for a fun Latke Party.
5:30 PM - Latke Party - The Latke party will take place after the Menorah Parade at the Center , 11545 SW Durham Rd, B-2, 97224 Tigard. Can’t make it to the parade? - no worries, just hop over at 5:30 for some fresh hot latkes and homemade jelly donuts!